2019-08-21 19:20:42



The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China has ten articles with two flags and ten banners. It has good taste, neat surface, natural copper rust, bright luster and uniform color. It has high artistic value. On the front of the bead circle, there are eighteen flags on the left and five-color flags on the right. The two flags cross each other, tie the bands on the top, and are elegant and free. On the outside of the bead circle, the four characters are "Republic of China" and the words "Founding Commemorative Coin" are cast on the bottom. On the back of the coin, the "ten articles" are written vertically in the center of the bead circle, surrounded by grain ears and continuous leaf patterns on both sides, with exquisite decoration, beautiful implication, strong sense of design, novelty and uniqueness, elegant lines, clear lines, visible at every minute, and exquisite craftsmanship; outside the bead circle, English is cast, the money is clear, and the font is profound. Although small, coins can reflect the whole society. The coin shows the perfect integration of Manchu and Han cultures on the positive side and the integration of foreign cultures on the back. It shows that China has opened up to the outside world in this historical period, and the phenomenon of international cultural exchange is good.


The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China is not only a small quantity but also a very important category in the study of the collection of copper yuan. It can even be said to be the main variety of the copper yuan of the Republic of China. After the victory of 1911 Revolution, the Emperor of Qing Dynasty abdicated and the Republic of China was founded. The commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China was a commemorative copper coin issued by the Government of the Republic of China. It had the words "commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China" on the front, ten words and a dragon flag on the back. At that time, the face value of copper coins was mainly ten and twenty, while the face value of fifty coins was very rare and precious.


此藏品是宋先生家传的珍藏品,如有对此件藏品感兴趣的藏友,欢迎莅临公司赏析,广大收藏家也可以通过我们官方网站了解详情,如需意向购买,请提前办理好相关手续!及时联系市场部负责人。(24小时咨询热线:18162556162 王总)







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